Your Training Log is right here. Use this page to record your progress. These are all my commented games on the road to GM. When viewing the game videos you can view and update this list and view your overall progress here. The list is device specific. Lets work together!

Bay Area International 2019 (click here)

January Charlotte GM/IM Invitational 2019

Open Portugal

Reykjavik Open 2019

South West Class

Grenke Chess Open

Marshall GM/IM Invitational 2019

Charlotte Spring GM/IM Invitational 201

Marshall Championship 2019

Chess Max Academy GM/IM Invitational 2019

Eastern Open 2019

Washington Chess Congress 2019

Marshall Premier October Fide Open

Marshall Premier September Fide Open

Luneberg Chess Festival 2019

Xtracon Open 2019

NY International 2019

World Open 2019

Charlotte GM/IM Summer Norm Invitational 2019

Chicago Open 2019

Saint Louis GM/IM Norm Invitational 2019

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